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At Juggernaut Bottle, our aim is to offer you premium quality water bottles that are stylishly designed and functional as well! Not only have we got the toughest and trendiest water bottles, but our BPA-free & EA-free water bottles are also safe to trust with your family.


We are a small business that started in the little island nation of Singapore, founded by a Filipino couple amid the challenging times of 2020. Despite the uncertainty of success, we made every effort to push through our dreams of a business.


Our goal is to promote the use of reusable water bottles to reduce the harmful effects of bottled water on the environment. With the help of our background in the Arts, we rethinked the look and feel of the water bottle by encasing it in an eye-catching protective carry case. As a result, we've added a glam factor to our reusable water bottles. Our range of colors and designs is sure to bring out the inner fashionista in you.


We believe carrying a water bottle should not appear as a burden but a compliment to your wardrobe and an essential part of a healthy lifestyle.

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